Friday, April 23, 2010


I know that this isn’t my ultimate home, I am just passing through…

Though I also realize the need to be intentional throughout my time here on earth, something I humbly admit I am not very good at. I need to choose to utilize the gifts and opportunities that God has so graciously blessed our family with. I am both honored and humbled that God has called me to be a wife and a mother…the task is great…I am so glad that the Lord is by our side and that He speaks to us through Scripture and through other believers.

I came across this as I was reading The Mission of Motherhood by, Sally Clarkson this morning. I found it both challenging and encouraging!

“By wisdom a house is built, and by understanding it is established; and by knowledge the rooms are filled with all precious and pleasant riches.” Proverbs 24:3-4

“Home- it’s such a beautiful word! It’s the center of our lives, the place that holds us with invisible strings of love within the walls. Home is the place where the delectable smells and tastes of “my favorite food” linger; where the comfort and beauty of “my room” and “my bed” can be enjoyed; where “my dreams” are inspired and begin to grow; where bedtime routines, prayers, and blessing give comfort; where the intimacy of deep relationships- unconditional love, grace, forgiveness, encouragement, unselfishness, laughter, and memories –is shared with people who have made us a priority in their lives. It’s where appetites for favorite music, movies, book, games, art, and traditions are shaped from infancy on up.

Home is a haven from a world that is swimming with challenges and difficulty. It is a school where one learns how precious life is intended to be. It provides the context of learning to know and love my Creator, the beauty of the world he made, and his Word, which guides me. And it is the environment where direction and purpose and values are passed from generation to generation, protecting and preserving all that is precious to life.

The task of building homes into place of beauty and life that will feed the hearts , souls and minds of our children is the most comprehensive task to which God has called us as mothers. We are called quite literally to be “home makers”- to plan and shape a home environment that provide our families with both a safe resting place and a launching pad for everything they do in the world……through the Word, God has indeed given us principles of wisdom that can guide our lives, including many that can guide us in shaping our home environments. But God leaves enormous room for personality, circumstance, creativity, resources, and culture to shape the specific decision we make about our homes and the ways that we live in them. Each of us is called to make daily faith decisions that will determine the kind of environment that shapes our family’s lives.” pp. 160-161 The Mission of Motherhood 

I so desire for our home to be haven, for C, for B for anyone who walks through our front door. 

A place where Jesus is known and talked about.

A place where we all can be ourselves, the people that God has created us to be.

A place where we can share life…the ups and the downs.

A place where we can make memories.

A place where we can both experience and bask in  God’s love and His grace together.

A place were we can extend God’s love and grace to others.

A place where “the rooms are filled with all pleasant and precious riches”.

On a lighter note…

A place where you can hang out in a diaper, on the dog’s (dirty) bed while eating Cheerios (not one of my prouder “mom moments”)…but he is safe, he is fed and most of all he is happy!

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Happy Friday!

Be Blessed!

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