Sunday, November 22, 2009

Go Frogs!

We should have posted these photos earlier than now...

Last Saturday...C and B woke me up at 7:00am asking if I was ready to head to breakfast so we could get to ESPN game day up at TCU. The night before, C had convinced me, the sports novice that I am, that I would really regret not going and actually have a good time...needless to say, I decided to go.

We donned some TCU gear and headed to our favorite bakery for breakfast like any typical Saturday morning...even the bakery had gone purple!

We enjoyed breakfast and headed over to TCU to "experience" Game Day with some friends...
When we got to the campus...things were hopping and everyone was wearing purple! It was really fun to read all of the signs and finally see our favorite frogs get some recognition!

B wasn't sure what to think of all the people, the band, the signs...there was a lot to take in!

C recorded the show at home, so later we were able to enjoy it and actually hear what was being said...I do have to admit that it was pretty surreal to have ESPN set up shop on our precious stomping ground...

We walked back to our car the long way in effort to take it all in...B liked watching the water at Frog Fountain...

We headed home from Game Day so B could take a nap..all in effort to get ready for the big game. While B was sleeping, I went to run some errands...while gone, I stumbled upon a shark halloween costume on clearance for $2.50. Knowing that B had almost outgrown his TCU shirt...I bought the inexpensive costume and spent the afternoon converting it into a miniature "Super Frog" costume. Since the weather has finally cooled down, B was able to wear his little costume the entire game...I admit, if you know the costume started as a may think it still looks like one, but if you squint one eye, jump up and down on one foot and hold your looks a little similar to a Horned Frog...
Some friends were gracious and shared their tickets to the game with us...their seats were fantastic...close enough that B was able to watch the action on the field...B enjoyed the first quarter and then took a little nap before half time on Jennifer's lap...
He slept through the fireworks that lit up the sky after each touchdown... After a quick nap...B woke up, somewhat delusional and cheered the Frogs on to win the game...he even put his "Frogs up!"

Most reasonable parents probably took their kids home around half time...but since C is B's dad...B was in it to win it. After the game was over, we said good bye to our friends and C looked at me and said that he wanted to go down onto the field...
A couple minutes later...all three of us were on the field...B was a trooper considering this was about 3 hours past his typical bedtime...

From the minute that our feet stepped onto the field, C made it his mission to get a photo of B with Jerry Hughes...
Well, we can now say that while most 8 month olds were at home...tucked into their comfortable, warm and quite beds...our son was being held on the football field with Jeffy Hughes! B wasn't real enamored by the whole ordeal...I think he got a little scared by Jerry's football helmet...but, B can now someday say that the season that the Horned Frogs were ranked fourth in the nation...he went to Game Day, dressed up as Super Frog, stayed for the entire game, rushed the field and got a photo with Jerry Hughes holding him...a future Horned Frog in the making...I guess that only time will tell!
Go Frogs & thanks Jerry!

Friday, November 20, 2009

Missing Turkey!

As of this afternoon...we are missing our turkey...he is about 2 feet long, 19 pounds, likes to giggle, crawls around on three legs and answers to the name of "B"!

This is our first official art project that has come home with B from school. B's teachers hung these up in the hallway outside his classroom...when I saw it, I laughed out loud! It still brings joy to my heart and makes me giggle when I see it!

So it is official...we have our first piece of refrigerator art!


B experienced his first big BONK last night. C & B were playing together...B pulled himself up onto C's leg...lost his balance and BOOM! hit the middle of his forehead! He immediately developed a pretty impressive goose egg along with a noticeable bruise. We called the pediatrician and they encouraged us to put ice on it for 20 minutes...just imagine holding an ice pack to his little head...he was less than thrilled (like any 8 month old would probably be)...and then they told us to watch him throughout the night to make sure he didn't have any signs of a concussion. C was a trooper and woke up to check on him in the middle of the night.

We are so grateful that he is back his happy and is a testimony to truly how resilient little ones are and God's grace & protection!

Sunday, November 15, 2009

A Lesson

At school this week, I am talking about gratitude and thankfulness with the kids...I feel like the Lord has given me an opportunity to practice what I am about to "preach" this weekend...

In my initial panic last night, I posted my "Silly Request"...below is an update from my heart in regard to the post...

This weekend, we were blessed with the opportunity to attend the big TCU game with friends. We had fun, we wore purple, B dressed as a little horned frog and got to tailgate with some friends before the game. After walking to the game, entering the stadium with all the masses of people, and finding our seats, I noticed that my wedding band wasn't on my had fallen off in all the hysteria of navigating through the purple masses with B in tow. Both C and I hoped that I had forgotten to put the ring on, we hoped that it was simply at such luck! After retracing our steps several times, we have still not been able to locate the ring. I admit, there were tears...but later after I calmed down...I realized there was really a lesson in contentment, patience, thankfulness and gratitude in all of this, let me explain...

After coming to grips with the reality that the ring may never be located, C and I decided to replace the ring with a temporary simple and very humble wedding band. Would I like to immediately replace the lost ring with what I had previously had? Of course! But that isn't realistic right now...hence the lesson in patience and contentment. As I think about this new simple band around my finger and my original wedding band, I am humbly reminded that though symbolic...both pieces of jewelry are simply pieces of metal, both can be replaced (and neither can come to heaven with me someday), but there are other parts of my life that can't be replaced...hence the lesson in thankfulness. This entire ordeal has reminded me of the gratitude that I need to have ultimately for my salvation, and then for my husband, our son, our family, our friends, our health, provision for our immediate and daily needs...remembering Matthew 6:19-21 that reads
"Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moth and rust do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also."
As Thanksgiving quickly approaches, I felt convicted to share this humble lesson that I am I have been challenged to take account of all the treasures that the Lord has so graciously provided and blessed me with...and to find joy in the place that He has me right now...for this time...
Am I sad about the ring? No Doubt! But I am thankful for this unanticipated lesson...

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Silly Request

I have no idea who reads our blog... but I have a prayer request...

We attended the TCUgame tonight (Go Frogs!) and while at the game, I noticed that my wedding band wasn't on my finger...we searched the area that we were sitting in and didn't see it...and I simply assumed that I had forgotten to put it on before leaving our house...

Well...we got home and the ring wasn't at home...we have searched the car seat, car, house...what seems like everywhere, several times...

I know that it is just a piece of metal...but I am really sad about not having it...yes, maybe someday it can be replaced...but it still will never be the ring that C gave me on our wedding day...

Would you mind praying that someone would stumble upon it, call TCU to turn it in and then that they would contact me?

Thank you so much!

Friday, November 13, 2009

Go Frogs!

Just for the record...
-The new clock tower on campus is purple...

-The Chesapeake Energy building down town is purple...
-The mayor named today as "Wear Purple Day"...and rumor has it that this was on the national news this morning...

-The meteorologist on the morning news, was wearing purple this morning...

-The campus is buzzing with media...visitors and tons of purple and the trees along University are adorned with purple and white (and pink) ribbons...
-Houses around the campus have flags hung, signs hung on windows, streamers in front yards...

-C wore his game day shirt to the office today...

-I wore a purple sweater and purple scarf to school today...

But most noteworthy...
-B wore his game day shirt to school today...along with almost his entire school!

You have to love the fall, football and of course the FROGS!!!!
Here is a video of that little guy that is celebrating Christmas early this year...

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Three Sweet Years

Yesterday, C and I celebrated our third times if feels like the time has flown by, and other times if feels like time has stood still since November 11, 2006! We celebrated by taking a walk with B and Ella. We walked through a park that we walked through countless times while we dated in college and then later got engaged in. It was so sweet to walk through the park together as a family last night, we found our conversation to be flooded with was pretty surreal to think of the journey that the Lord has and continues to take us on...
Our first date at Bass Hall, walks around the park, the park bench, the bridge, time at the ball park, Reunion Tower, time spent with family, the cabin, skiing, Patagonia, Mesa, being together, being apart, our engagement, planning our wedding, Saint John, our first house, Ella, our precious church, our Bible study, learning about B, meeting B, becoming parents....
I can't wait for whatever is around the has been and continues to be such an honor to be on this journey together...

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Special Request

Below is an email that I received at work today...I thought I might post it in effort to get as many Christmas cards to this sweet little guy as possible...but even more, in effort to rally prayers for this precious little one and his family. It is hard to understand things like this...praise God for being bigger and greater than cancer!

***Special Request***
Diana Harrison Biorkman has a 5 year old son in his last stages of a 2 1/2 year battle with Neuroblastoma cancer. They are celebrating Christmas next weekend and Noah loves Christmas card. Please take a minute to send a card to:
Noah Biorkman
1141 Fountain View Circle
South Lyon, MI 48178
Thank you! Please post on your wall...let's get a truck load!!!

A side note that seems appropriate to share...
Today the kids in my classes sang "My God is so Big" as we have been learning about the story of Abraham...the lyrics go like this...
"My God is so big, so strong and so mighty, there's nothing my God can not do...for you!
My God is so great, so strong and so mighty, there's nothing my God can not do.
The mountains are His, the valleys are His, the stars are His handiwork too...
My God is so big, so strong and so mighty, t"here's nothing my God can not do!"

These lyrics are so simple...yet so hard to grasp...

Father, thank You for being so big, so great and so mighty! Please be big, great and mighty in Noah and his family's life!

Thursday, November 5, 2009


We have been a little cooped up recently in effort to stay have had a little extra time on my hands during B's naps... I saw this idea for center piece in photo in a magazine...I changed it a little and put it on our living room mantle to serve as a reminder for us this month as we anticipate thanksgiving of all of our blessings ...
Below are some of the little blessings that I have been able to capture recently...

B & C love to watch football (well really any kind of ball games) together...B usually sits with C right before bedtime...I love those precious little sleepy eyes...Thankful for rest!

B is hysterical when he eats...he continues to grunt...this particular evening C fed him on the floor and B sat on his own...Thankful for B's milestones!

B's new swing has given all of us a new lease on life...he continues to love to be outside and this provides another avenue for us to enjoy being outside on the porch...Thankful for outside!

It's even fun to swing in the Synchilla fleece when it is "chilly" outside...Thankful for the cool weather!

Another game...Thankful for more rest!

B & C taking a "self take" while I was away at Bible study one evening...Thankful for special C & B time!

B's new face...just imagine him making a grunting type noise through his mouth and nose as he is making this is hysterical...Thankful for giggles!

Exploring with his little hands...he seemed to be enamored by our green pumpkin...Thankful for learning!

And can you not love the baby Carhart overalls and cowboy boots? Thankful for laughs!

Happy Fall

I get pretty nostalgic in the can you not love pumpkins, the blue sky, leaves that are changing, a breeze and walking with crunching leaves under my feet...I am the first to admit that I may romanticize the thought of fall just a "little"...but I do love the fall and am so grateful that we have had a relatively "cool" fall this year!

Go Frogs!

We enjoyed celebrating homecoming with some dear friends this year...The "Greene Girls" enjoyed a reunion at the Greene was so fun to walk through the house and sort of relive some precious time that we all shared together in college...this photo is on the new porch swing...the original porch swing is now hanging on our front porch...these sweet friends asked the owner of the house if they could purchase the swing as a gift for C and I when we got married...C and I spent countless hours on the swing when we were is such a gift to have...we will treasure it always and be sure to have it hanging where ever we are living!
B enjoyed getting to meet Kate, another dear friend of mine, for the first time... Our visits are few and far between these days...but always SO sweet!
B was quite a trooper during the game..he seemed to enjoy the game until about the third quarter...then he was ready to call it quits! He really did seem to be enthralled by all the people and sounds...with the exception of the Frog Horn...tears ensued after each touch down...maybe it was his way of empathizing with the other team?

It was fun to get a photo with Super Frog...I think the costume is a little bit scary, if I were a little kid I may be intimidated so this may be the last photo we get for a couple years!
We watched the parade with some friends on Friday was fun to listen to the band march by and fun to see all of the floats that the different organizations worked to put took me back to college when we were required to put in a certain number of "pomping" hours on the float that we were working on...oh, were those the days!

This was my favorite banner...

Who knew that the campus police have Segway bikes now? Maybe this was their big debut at the parade...needless to say, I was impressed...and left wondering..."Do they give students their infamous parking tickets while on Segways now?"