Thursday, August 19, 2010

C’s Little Helper

It would be an understatement to say that B is curious…his curiosity seems to grow daily which makes C and I wonder how many little wheels are turning inside of his head all at once.

Recently, B discovered the water hose…he is fascinated with how it turns on and off and likes to try to screw items into it like the nozzle and sprinkler head.

The other night while C was trying to install a mister line across the porch (to help his Minnesotan wife stay cool), Neither C or I were surprised that B took it upon himself to help with the project.

B handed things to C as he worked, and squatted down to watch C screw the different parts of the mister to the hose… apparently the evening got away from us, I have no idea why B isn’t wearing any pants…

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(I love his hand in this photo)


The entire project captured B’s attention for quite a while…he just watched C in amazement!

Later, the next day, he enjoyed the fruit of his helpfulness as he and a couple of friends came over to play in the sprinkler underneath the newly installed misters.


A little side note, we got the idea for the misters while on a trip to the zoo. We noticed there was an area by the elephant exhibit  that was shaded and had misters running…the entire area felt significantly cooler than other parts of the zoo, in fact it was quite pleasant (which is a bold statement in Texas in August).

A couple internet searches later led us to Lowes where we found a system that could easily (and pretty inexpensively) be  installed over any porch or patio…though I can’t take credit, C did the majority of the work.

Now afternoons are a little bit more enjoyable and cooler in our neck of the wood.

Keepin’ it cool…literally.

Be blessed.

1 comment:

  1. Glad to hear the mister is a hit! (I love B's little hand in that picture, too. It's like he's supporting C, telling him he's doing a good job.)
