Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Backseat Pledge

As of today, I am taking a pledge for our family’s sake to not use my telephone while I am driving.

When I go to put B in his car seat, I am going to buckle him in, and then leave my purse (with my phone securely inside) next to his car seat on the seat behind the drivers seat. This way, if my phone rings or I get a text, I physically won’t be able to reach my purse to retrieve the phone.  The temptation will be virtually eliminated.

Do I think I can handle texting and talking while driving…of course, I think I can!  But I realize that that is a pretty selfish attitude to have.  Car wrecks can be accidental, but wrecks that happen as a result of drivers being distracted are not accidents, because distractions are completely preventable.

Will I miss the habit of talking and texting while driving, yes, but I feel like I owe it to our Heavenly Father to take better care of this precious life He has given me…and even more, to be the best steward of B’s little life as possible. Plus, this pledge will allow B and I to “talk” together as we drive around town…I know the days of B being a captive audience are numbered (he won’t think I am that cool for long), so I’m going to try to take advantage of every minute I have!

With this said,  if I don’t pick up the minute you call…please don’t take it personally. Leave a message and I will call you back as soon as I can….and in the same breath…I challenge anyone reading this to do the same.

Be safe.

Be blessed.

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