Friday, July 2, 2010

My New Read

I recently stumbled upon a new parenting book.  Like The Mission of Motherhood ,  this book may take me several months to read…but I am committed to reading it cover to cover because I desire to have as many tools in my “Momma Tool Belt” as possible!

The book is Grace Based Parenting  by, Dr. Tim Kimmel. Dr. Kimmel was one of the speakers at the marriage conference that C and I attended last weekend. Both C and I enjoyed listening to Dr. Kimmel.  Both he and his wife have strong and burdened hearts for families, both C and I found their insight to be very encouraging, especially as we embark on the adventure of parenting with B entering toddlerhood.

With all this said, I wanted to share some of what has jumped off the pages for me as I have read the first couple chapters. Of course these aren’t my words, they are taken directly from the book…

“Since how children turn out is far more contingent on what is going on inside them than outside them, unnecessarily tight boundaries undermine the desire of the Holy Spirit, who is working to build a sense of moral resolve in their hearts” p.5

{Some parents} often measure their effectiveness as parents by how they compare to others” p. 7

The real test of a parenting model is how well equipped the children are to move into adulthood as vital members of the human race. Notice I didn’t say “as vital members of the Christian community.”  We need to have kids that can be sent off to the most hostile universities, toil in the greediest work environments, and raise their families in the most hedonistic communities and yet not be the least bit intimidated by their surroundings. Furthermore, they need to be engaged in the lives of people in their culture, gracefully representing Christ’s live inside these desperate surroundings.”  p.9

God left our families in communities to serve as porch lights, if you will, for the lost people around us. We are to be the steady glow that helps them find their way out of the darkness. When families are committed to being this light, they are inclined to live more intimately with Christ they pray more, they study their Bible's more, they care for one another more, they reach out to their neighbors more……One of the primary roles that God gave Christian parents is to create adults who reflect His heart. A family is, without a doubt, the most effective and efficient vehicle to produce the kind of people who can move confidently into the adult world and have a redemptive impact on their culture…” pp. 11-12

“Grace-based parents spend their time entrusting themselves to Christ. They live to know God more. Their children are the daily recipients of the grace these parents are enjoying from the Lord. If you watch them in action, they appear to be peaceful and very much in love with God….They process their day-to-day life with an air of confidence that comes from knowing God profoundly loves them. “p.19

Take zebras. God hasn’t painted the same stripes on any of them. Every person’s fingerprints are original. He hasn’t let two snowflakes drop from the sky that were identical. He hasn’t painted any two sunsets the same. He’s an original God who wants to have an original relationship with you and your children.” p. 21


WOW! What a task. I find myself humbled by this task that has been set before C and I. I also find myself so encouraged, remembering that the God of this universe who fashioned the mountains, places the sun in the sky and knows the number of hairs on my head also created a plan and purpose for families, even our little family of three. He desires to use families to bring Himself glory and to draw others to Himself. This really provides great eternal perspective as to this role that He has so graciously entrusted us with, and reminds me that the role is not to be taken lightly and not to be attempted on my own resolve!

Happy Friday!

Be blessed.


(Dr. Kimmel is speaking at a Grace Based Parenting conference in Keller at The Met church in September, his ministry is Family Matters, their website has more information.)

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