Thursday, July 8, 2010

A Humbling Reminder

Our small group is working through the “His Story from Creation to Glory” study written by the pastors and staff of Grace Bible Church in College Station.  This study is really neat in that it provides  a good glimpse of creation all the way through Christ’s resurrection in just 10 lessons.  I am by no means claiming that someone could gain complete understanding of Genesis through Revelation by completing just these 10 lessons, but each lesson provides really good food for thought, at least so far.

The fourth lesson of the study examines the Mosaic Covenant. “This was a covenant given by God through Moses to the Israelites…and includes within it God’s commands and requirements for His people, which the Bible refers to… as God’s Law. This law serves as a key theme for the remainder of the Old Testament and much of the New Testament. “p.32 

The Israelites were and still are precious to God and they have quite a story that the Bible reveals through the Old Testament. They wandered, they were captured as slaves, they had times of plenty and great times of need, yet God always provided for them.

This is what stuck out to me and humbled my heart as I studied lesson 4 :

“Throughout their [the Israelites] time in the wilderness, the majority of the Israelites grumbled and complained against God and His servant, Moses. Rather than dwell on the many miraculous things that God was doing to care for their needs (water from rocks, manna from heaven, safety through the desert, etc.) they chose to focus on what they lacked. Rather than give thanks, their complaining led them to consider rebellion.”  p.34

I am humbled because my heart so often gravitates towards focusing on what I think my life lacks, and all the things that I wish for and want. I complain and often ask God why, as opposed to thanking Him.  I see different aspects of my life as problems rather than opportunities to watch God work and refine C and I. Reading this lesson provided me with a good dose of humility, my prayer is that I would daily choose to live in gratitude remembering that I have all that I need, and I have because God has provided.

Humbly wishing a happy Thursday.

Be blessed.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for this. How often is my heart ungrateful and blind to the good gifts He gives.
