Monday, July 12, 2010

Fabric Junkie

I really like shopping for fabric. I have no idea what about fabric is so appealing…the colors…the patterns…whatever it is, it honestly brings me such a simple joy.

With that said, I have acquired A LOT of pieces of different types of fabric…I have purchased each with the best of intentions, but then rarely follow through which means I have a lot of fabric just sitting around…until recently.

One of my new favorite hobbies is using fabric that I have accumulated to repurpose items of clothing (either older items that I am tired of or new items that are super inexpensive).  I am still experimenting, but really enjoying the chance to learn how to add different types of detail to different shirts, sweaters and sweatshirts.

This is my latest experiment…

I should have taken a before photo (it was just a plain blue shirt). I apologize for the awkward modeling photos, I guess I shouldn’t quit my day job…though I never thought modeling would be a part of my future.

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The front.


The side.

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The back.

Thanks for letting me share.

Be blessed.


  1. At the risk of sounding a little less manly... that looks REALLY COOL. :)

  2. You are so talented! I am not surprised to see this post after oogling over the sweet gifts you made for Sophia! Best gifts I've received yet!
