Friday, May 7, 2010

Lessons from our 100% Little Boy

While unloading the dishwasher this afternoon, I noticed that B was STANDING (Let me be completely honest, it was for about two seconds) next to the dishwasher watching me unload silverware, when he realized he wasn’t holding onto anything he panicked, lost his balance and grabbed onto the side of the washer as quick as possible (his eyes became quite wide!)…watching B made me wonder how our Heavenly Father must feel about us sometimes?  As B’s mom, I know that B could stand and even walk if he would just trust himself enough to try…yes, he might fall…but ultimately, he would get the hang of it.  I can’t help but wonder what things I am too afraid to let go of and simply try?  I am sure that my Heavenly Father can think “If she would only try…incredible things would happen…” That’s exactly how I feel about B, if he would only try…he would realize that walking is incredible!  Oh, the lessons that the Lord teaches us through little ones…it is quite humbling!

With all that said, after the dishwasher was emptied, B and I made our way outside to play and try to get some more practice with standing and walking (I promise, we aren’t pushing B real hard in this regard…we really are trying to savor the crawling stage, even if it last a few more months).

B started playing  by pushing his little bumble bee buggy around on the sidewalk.  He got quite frustrated when he steered it into the grass, the wheels are anything but all terrain.


After awhile he got the hang of it…

And not too long after that he ditched the buggy and maneuvered himself along a retaining wall and crawled/crabwalked along the sidewalk all in effort to explore some little bugs, sticks, rocks and of course…dirt! 




Here he is sweeping up a small pile of dirt with his hands…


I love this photo!


As he crawled/crab walked he discovered our neighbor’s cat…


The cat was pretty entertained by B, it would allow B to get about this close and then would quickly run away…so the crab walk process would start all over in order to catch the cat again…

B got a little distracted by some sticks while crab walking, I guess that is what happens when you are moving close to the ground..




He was sure to share his loot with C.  B is really into sharing things right now, books, cups, Cheerios, toys, socks, laundry, cell phones, Ella’s balls…and yes, now sticks!

It is so fun to watch B continue to explore his little world. I am realizing my need to let go of being clean…he needs to get dirty and have a chance to experience the joys of being a little boy!

I am so grateful and humbled by all the lessons we are learning through our precious gift from our Heavenly Father.

Happy Friday!

Be Blessed.

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