Sunday, May 16, 2010

It’s Official…

As of this weekend, all of B’s aunts and uncles have walked across a stage, in various parts of the country to receive a diploma (though B can only say he has one commencement ceremony under his belt)!

On Saturday, B was a trooper during the ceremony…he spent time on many family members’ laps and also worked on some walking laps outside the coliseum while holding someone’s hand (he is still not walking on his own)…

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These photos were taken near the beginning of the ceremony, I would be stretching the truth if I depicted B as being this content towards the end of the ceremony!

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Uncle J getting his diploma…we are all so proud of him, he worked so hard!


Uncle J’s  “item of flair” for his special occasion…and for the record he tied this bowtie this way on his first try, pretty good and straight, if I don’t say so myself! I’m not sure if he was more proud of his degree or this bowtie?



B tried to sneak into Uncle J and Miss K’s photo, (thanks to his older Uncle J)…


The photo sans B!


B has started to point back to you when you point to him…here he is trying to point back to J’s diploma…



My brother and sister-in-law (who live out east) were able to make a quick trip to celebrate J’s big day…they almost didn’t make it, the two (and my mom and dad) deserve merit badges for their efforts to get to the ceremony on time!  (There efforts included several legs of air travel, circling around severe weather,  awful turbulence, landing at a private airport to get refueled, an impromptu stay in Houston and a drive to Houston in the middle of the night). BUT THEY MADE IT!


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Two very proud mama and papa bears!


B enjoyed stretching his legs and vocal chords after the ceremony!

After graduation, Uncle J, and some of his friends hosted a crawfish boil for every ones’ families who were in town to celebrate…


This was C’s & my first crawfish boil…we really enjoyed the bread, soda and bbq sandwiches…


B watched everyone dig in, while he enjoyed some Cheerios and milk from the back row…


A jumped right in, I was impressed…she was much more brave than I!

After the boil,  we all made sure to stop at our very favorite “watering hole” to get some coffee…


This is by far my favorite coffee shop in the entire world! Whenever we are in town, we try to stop as many times as we can…even if it is 2-3 times in a weekend). I will admit, that I am a little sad that I won’t be able to enjoy coffee at this shop near as often any more.

B and C were able to enjoy some time in the hotel pool…B was quite hesitant initially, but slowly warmed up to the idea…

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B liked making splashes with his hands.

On Sunday morning, Uncle J and Miss K made one of my family’s favorite breakfasts.  They made french toast (with cinnamon bread), goop (a family tradition) and berry salad. Breakfast was fantastic… even more it was special to be hosted by Uncle J at his house as this chapter of his life is coming to a close.


B and C watched intently as the french toast was being made.

After breakfast, we made one last group trip to the inFAMOUS coffee shop. 


B joined in on the tasty fun and  “ordered” his very own treat (milk).

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After coffee, we all went out separate ways…which always leaves my heart feeling a little bittersweet.   It is so hard to have family members dispersed across the country, we make sure to savor all the time that we have…even if it is just weekends here and there.  I am grateful for the time that we do have together and grateful for the memories (even if there is time in between) that my family is able to make with  B.

Congratulations Uncle J! I will admit that I am sad that my little brother won’t be south on 35 any longer (I have found quite a bit of peace in knowing that you live so close)…but I am so excited for you and the new chapter that is opening in your life…enjoy the adventure!

M family…thanks for a fantastic weekend!

Happy Sunday.

Be Blessed.

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