Sunday, September 11, 2011

Simple Joy!

As of today…we have a clothes chute!!!


We learned (after buying our house) that the existing clothes chute was more of a door to nothing than an actual chute.  It didn’t take long for ‘fixing the clothes chute’ to jump towards the top of our to do list as the the laundry hamper was almost always overflowing with dirty clothes that lacked a proper holding spot before heading through the washing machine and dryer.

Upon investigation, (C quite literally cut a hole in the ceiling)  we learned that the former owners closed the chute when they added duct work for an addition onto the house’s backside. 

Realizing we were committed to re-commissioning the chute with the blaring hole in the ceiling….C and my dad finagled a new design for the chute to come around duct work and actually work!!!!!

Tonight, we taught B how to use the chute (JUST FOR CLOTHES AND NOT FOR TOYS) before bed…he giggled as he tossed his clothes down the new chute!

I am sure there will be days when we regret this clothes chute decision, when I find toys, trinkets and other odds and ends amidst our many piles of laundry.  I can remember my brothers stuffing parachute men and other toys down our clothes chute when we were little..but when that day comes, I’ll have to chalk it up to being a kid and remember how nice it is to not have to lug the heavy clothes hamper to the laundry room!

Thank you C and dad for helping to make this simple joy a reality!

Happy Sunday.

Be blessed.

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