Saturday, February 18, 2012


Earlier this year, I joined a MOPS group, in effort to get plugged into community in our neck of the wood.
I wasn’t sure what I was getting into, but have been pleasantly surprised. I mean what momma wouldn’t enjoy a morning with other moms (while kiddos are being taken care of), coffee, breakfast, crafts and encouraging speakers?!
This past week, I found my heart encouraged in a very relevant way. Let me try to explain as best as I can remember…these aren’t my thoughts…just notes that I feverishly jotted down as my heart listened and gained encouragement.
-Sometimes our ‘Plan B’ is really what God’s ‘Plan A’ is…it just takes us awhile to accept what we might not have expected/hoped…just remember of Joseph’s story from Genesis 50!
-The only thing we can consistently choose/control in our lives is our attitude/point of view/heart towards whatever situation we are presented with
-What we believe about God is what often affects our point of view…and in turn our attitude
-We are called to love His purposes for our lives and for others even if it means a ‘Plan B’ for ourselves…we may never know how God might be using a ‘Plan B’ or alternate route/detour to bring Himself glory and draw others to Truth
-We might not always be able to have a sneak peak of what will happen/what life will look like….BUT we can trust in His purposes, His goodness, His character and His sovereignty!
-As we make ‘plans’ we must learn to not hold on too tightly, remembering that our plans might not be comparable to the goodness of God’s plans
-Make every day a great day. We have the ability to control our attitudes…we don’t have to hope for good days…we can make each and every day GREAT with God’s help…by knowing Him and trusting in his character
Such good nuggets!
It is humbling to be reminded that I have control over the outcome (of my heart) of each day…I often feel like we are flying by the seat of our pants in our neck of the wood as we are still trying to get acclimated to life with multiple kiddos here in Minnesota. I find myself making grand plans for each day only to be met with unexpected messes, trips to the grocery store, toddler tantrums, diaper blow outs etc. etc. I need to remember, everyday…no matter how ‘Plan B-feeling’, monotonous or chaotic is a gift…I can choose joy or the opposite. I’m sure I’ll continue ‘planning’…I must simply learn how to plan each day while keeping my hands opened…as too tight of a grip on my plans will be a joy thief and may prevent my heart (and others’ hearts) from experiencing GREAT DAYS!
Be blessed & make it a GREAT day.

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