Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Pajamas by Five…

Let me explain…

As of 5:00pm, I decided that today will go down in our family’s history books as “Poop & Puke Day”…

This morning right after I got B dressed on his changing table, I sat him up and he proceeded to spit up all over his clean clothes…spit up number one…

I proceeded to change B into new clothes and he spit up again…spit up number two…

At our mommy and me music class, B decided to spit up again all over me and the floor, spit up number three…

This afternoon, I took B to the doctor for a re-check for his ear infection, while sitting in the waiting room I felt something warm on my leg…spit up number four…

After being called back into the examine room, B sat on my lap and yes, he spit up again…all over me, all over the floor and all over the chair that we were sitting in…spit up number five…

When we got home from the doctor, before I had a chance to change my clothes, I smelled a stinky diaper…I went to change it and (I will spare the details) but realized I not only needed to change the diaper, but also change B’s clothes again…hence the pajamas! 


We are now waiting for C to get home to see if he spits up on him to add to this record of a day…days like today make me really thankful for washing machines that get clothes clean and for diaper bags that have burp cloths and wipes!

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