Friday, February 12, 2010

Good Morning!

This is what we woke up to this morning…IMG_1325 

It truly could be Minnesota, Colorado or somewhere in New England outside our door this morning. Everything is still pretty quiet and muted, but you can hear the drips of snow melting from the trees and roofs. Sometimes it even looks like it is still snowing because the heavy snow is falling off of the trees.

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The snow is so heavy that a lot of tree branches are bowing and almost touching the ground!


No snow plows here!


B wasn’t quite sure what to think of the snow…though, we are pretty sure he enjoyed it as his eyes lit up when he saw it this morning.


There is no question that Ella is LOVING the snow…though playing fetch can be a little more difficult in regard to finding a ball after it has been thrown, I think she and C have lost one or two balls while playing both yesterday and this morning (one is on the roof of our house).

This snow is such a special treat, we will be sure to savor it as we know that it will melt soon!

1 comment:

  1. when we had snow at christmas our dog LOVED catching snowballs. he would catch them and drop them and was instantly ready for the next one!
    -jenni (jill's sister)
