Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Pedaling Like a Big Kid

At our conference with B’s teacher earlier in the spring we learned that he needed to work on his scissor skills, coloring skills and pedaling skills…seriously, to be a preschooler again!

With that said, we set out to provide practice opportunities for such skills around our neck of the wood as often as possible. I’ll be honest, I still hesitate when I think about scissors, but know I have to let him fly in even the littlest ways as he gains more and more independence.

We set out to get him pedaling on his little trike as soon as the snow melted and the weather turned more friendly.  When we pulled B’s trike out from it’s winter hibernation spot we learned that our little guy’s legs had gotten too long and weren’t hardly able to make the little trike even move, let alone get some good pedal practice in as his teacher has prescribed. This is apparently one of the downsides of being 3 years old but being almost as big as a five year old.

B’s Gram and Grandpa caught wind of the little pedal predicament and offered to help B find a new set of wheels. A local bike shop has a trade in program which allows family’s to trade-in bikes that their kids have outgrown for new ones and then the store cleans the traded-in bikes up and sells them to gracious grandparents and other family’s looking for quality bikes at a significantly reduced price.

The ‘Bike Man’ showed B this set of wheels and allowed him to try them out in the store!  The expression on B’s face identifies his feelings towards the bike itself.  After choosing this particular bike, the Bike Man made sure the chain was in working order, the tires were inflated and added a bell (per Grandpa’s suggesting) to make the bike ‘B ready’.


B was all smiles as we packed the bike into our car…


And continued to smile as he tried it out in the driveway for the very first time before rest time.  He asked if we could wear his sunglasses while he rode to be just like his Daddy, and wore them until he parked the bike in the garage and headed upstairs for his rest.


He proceeded to take a longer than usual nap as a result of all the pedaling that had taken place…leaving me grateful for his teacher’s pedaling suggestion!

Be blessed.

Thank you Gram and Grandpa!

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