Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Something in the Water

Babies seem to come in batches.  There were several little ones born around the time B was born…and now, as we anticipate little A’s arrival, it feels like there are several little ones about to be born.

Three of the four woman in my Bible study (the fourth just had a baby last summer) are expecting…we are all anxiously awaiting the arrival of the first any day, the next in march and then little A in April.

When we started our group, we were all fairly newly weds and in the throws of puppy/kitty parenthood, new home ownership, house projects etc. As of this spring, we will have five kiddos between the four of us…my oh my has life changed!


It is such a gift to be able to share this journey in our family’s life with other families who are in the midst some of the changes too.

Praise God for the gift of little ones!

Be blessed.