Thursday, January 6, 2011

A Resolution of Sorts

I have resolved several times in the past to try to read the Bible cover to cover. I have tried the Year Bible and other reading plans but humbly admit that I have not followed through on SEVERAL occasions.

I’ll admit, I get excited and commit to it and then get overwhelmed by the Old Testament and some of the difficult names and traditions.

With that said, I am setting out to once again try to read the most important book of all time…cover to cover. I feel like making a post about my goal might provide a little bit of accountability…sure this is probably a figment of my imagination, but if it helps…I’m all for it.

As of today, I am only through Genesis 9.  However, ONLY is such an understatement for the history that Moses penned within the first 9 chapters as they include the history and goodness of creation, the Garden of Eden, the fall of man, Cain and Abel, Adam’s descendants, Noah’s obedience, the great flood and the promise (covenant) that God made with Noah to never flood the earth again.

Today, I found myself humbled as I read about Noah (Genesis 6-8). I am humbled by his obedience and faith. I can’t imagine taking on the task that he so willingly took on, despite how crazy it must have sounded to him.  Noah’s obedience and attention to God’s call was meticulous…he made the ark out of the wood that God told him to, made the ark the size that God specified and then populated the ark as God commanded.  Simply finding two of every animal would have been enough to make my head spin…but Noah faithfully obeyed every aspect of God’s call.

Reading this part of Genesis makes me wonder what obedience God is calling me to in my life…I humbly admit there are aspects of my life that I choose to not fully trust God in…there are miniature arks in my own life that I have chosen not to build or built half-heartedly…this humbles me to think twice before dismissing difficult tasks I feel that I am being called to and encourages me to obey with a happy and whole heart…obviously this is easier said (and typed) than done…but I pray that my heart might  move more in this direction.

Enjoy the day.

Be blessed.

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