Thursday, January 13, 2011

One of my (C) favorite B-isms

Each night I plug my phone in to charge on our night stand.  We also have an IHome that I use as an alarm clock.

B loves to come into our room and if my phone is still plugged in, he will unplug it and bring the phone to me.  While this is cute and great, what he does with the cord is even better, in my opinion.  There is a hole in the back of the IHome (I have no idea what it is there for) that he will often plug my phone cord into.  I would love to know what he thinks he is accomplishing by doing this or maybe he thinks that since I plug my phone in that the IHome should be plugged in as well.  Anyways, at least 3 times a week when I go to plug my phone in at night I will find the IHome ‘plugged in’.

Here is my phone as it looks when I have it plugged in to charge.


Here is the IHome ‘plugged in’.


Here is the scene when I unplug my phone and lay the cord across the nightstand so that it doesn’t fall down in between the nightstand and the bed.


And to get the full effect.  Here is S being a hand model and ‘un’plugging the IHome.

Like I said, no idea why I love this so much.  But it brings me such joy each night that I get to see his hard work and get to try and figure out what he was thinking as he plugged in the IHome.

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