Tuesday, January 18, 2011

B’s Pajamas make an Appearance at the Dentist


Let me explain…

B and I left the house in a rush this morning in effort to be away while the house was being inspected.

(A little side note…we received a contract on our little home this past weekend…though it is bittersweet, we are praising God and praying that the inspection, appraisal and paperwork will all fall into place so that we can officially look forward to closing this chapter of our family’s life and move onto the next).

In my rush out the door, I neglected to grab B’s backpack (diaper bag). I did however have the foresight to grab our clean laundry (that hadn’t finished drying in the dryer), my bag of miscellaneous items that I had picked up around the house, my purse, phone etc. 

From there B and I headed on a myriad of errands to keep us both busy while the house was getting a “once over”.  The finale to our morning errand marathon was a  scheduled dentist appointment for B. 

Upon arriving at the dentist’s office, to my surprise, I noticed that  B’s pants and car seat were drenched.  I checked to see if his sippy cup of water had leaked…unfortunately…NO SUCH LUCK!!!  B’s diaper had sprung a leak…and there was no way around it…and this momma didn’t have his diaper bag and an extra change of clothes!

I carried my wet little boy into the office to check in and change his diaper (I did have an extra diaper in my purse…or so I thought).  I politely asked the receptionist if I could ask her a crazy question and she obliged.   I then proceeded to ask if it might be okay for my son to have his dental exam done in a clean diaper (sans pants).  The receptionist responded quite surprised… “Well, ‘mam, I don’t know, no one has ever asked us that before.”  She said she would go ask, while I changed his diaper.

I went the restroom to  change B’s diaper only to realize that my emergency purse diaper was nowhere to be found.  It was then that I had remembered that B had figured out how to unzip my purse…I put two and two together and figured that he must have pulled the diaper out while he was sitting in his car seat.

We politely excused ourselves to the car where I did in fact find B’s dry diaper sitting next to his car seat.  It was at that moment that a light blub went off inside of my head as I remembered that I had pulled B’s half dry pajamas out of the dryer in my rush to get out of the house…I shuffled through the damp laundry to find the pajamas and made the executive decision that wearing pajamas to the dentist was far better than wearing no pants at all.

So that explains the photo…B went to the dentist (and then to the grocery store afterwards) in his pajamas!

To date, this has been one of the greater pieces of humble pie that I have been served.  I feel like the entire waiting room of moms and dads just stared at B and I  as we waited for our appointment. I can only imagine the judgment taking place on my parenting skills…oh, how they must have thought I was too lazy to get my child dressed.  The hygienists and dentist thought our story was hysterical…and then our fellow grocery store friends gave us several glances and half-hearted smiles.

B continues to keep me on my toes…which I am humbly so grateful for! I can also say that I will be leaving a pair of emergency pants in the car for any future mishaps…because I am sure that this will not be the only time I forget the diaper bag.

Oh happy day!

Be blessed.

p.s. Please lift our little house up as we anxiously await details regarding our closing and begin our search for a new home.  This has been quite a lesson in patience and perseverance for this momma who likes to have her t’s crossed and I’s dotted! Thank you.


  1. I've been praying for the inspection and sale.

    I love to hear about B's adventures around town!

  2. Wouldn't it be nice if we all could head out in our cozy sleepers......
