Sunday, November 14, 2010

Our Dance…


This past week, we celebrated our fourth anniversary…I truly don’t know where the time has gone!?!

We celebrated by enjoying breakfast together as a family and then enjoyed a dinner date out…just the two of us.

This week, this photo came to mind as I’ve reflected on our past year.  The photo is of our first dance together at our wedding reception.  We danced to “Better Together” by, Jack Johnson. 

As we danced I remember thinking that we had made it…that we were finally together, wondering how it could get better…even though hidden underneath my dress were two feet that were all over the place…stepping on C’s toes and completely off beat. 

Little did I know that that dance was only the beginning…figuratively, not literally (C and I are not big dancers).  I didn’t realize that our dance would only continue…that we would perfect some steps and really stumble over others as we move through life together. 

At that point, we were at our best…C in his tux and me in my dress. We hadn’t really hit any bumps in our married road that had allowed us to sort of practice and perfect our dance… we hadn’t changed jobs, experienced loss, experienced major challenges, experienced change, experienced each other at less than our best and also hadn’t celebrated joys, become parents, experienced ‘firsts’ through our children’s  little eyes…etc.

This past year was filled with many firsts, though in the same breath, not-so-much.  I feel like we both had the opportunity to practice and perfect some of  the steps to our dance (even though some occasionally felt boring and  mundane) and feel that we have been able to work on some new and more intricate moves.

I am the first to admit that our dance isn’t perfect…and know that it won’t ever be this side of heaven…but really feel like we have hit more of a rhythm and have started to better follow the beat of the music that life seems to present. I am anxious to see what dance steps we might learn this next year, I hope the steps are easy…but know deep down that the challenging steps are what brings growth and refinement…

So here’s to four years of dancing… and Lord willing many more to come!

I love you C!

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations on four years! What a sweet picture and post!
