Monday, November 15, 2010

First Tricycle Accident


This photo doesn’t do B’s lip justice…but thank goodness the swelling has gone down!

Last week, B took a spill over the handle bars of a tricycle at school. He fell smack dab on his face onto a ceramic tile floor…needless to say IT WAS NOT A PRETTY PICTURE!

After about a half hour of uncontrollable wailing (and bleeding)… B (and I’ll admit, myself included) were able to calm down enough to assess the situation his face and mouth. 

B was quite a sight, his lip was initially so swollen that it almost touched the bottom of his nose…he also had a small bruise on his nose and forehead.

After visiting with our pediatric dentist we learned that B’s lip and upper gum were severely injured…but ALL of his teeth were still in tact…which we are so grateful for! The dentist assured us that he should be ship-shape in about a week and encouraged us to prepare soft foods for him to eat.  With that said, we have been enjoying lots and lots of smoothies in our neck of the wood!!!!

We are so grateful that God protected B from a more serious injury…and feel like we are getting acquainted with some of the joys of parenting a very active and very busy little boy. 

We’ll see if he gets back on the trike the next time he heads to school…Be blessed!

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