Monday, March 15, 2010

Lunch Date

B and I enjoyed a lunch date with my friend, A, today.  A has an almost five year old daughter C, and a son, C (also).  B and C are about one week apart.

We enjoyed lunch while the boys enjoyed finger food and babbling “between” one another. I wonder what they babbled about?


“So what are your mom and dad letting you eat these days?”


“So do your parents take like a bazillion photos of you, I mean really, what is the big deal"?”


“Do you get like one  hundred kisses on your cheeks each day?”


“How is walking coming? Is it better than crawling?”


“Can you believe this outfit my mom put me it? It is really cramping my style!”


Whatever it was that they “discussed” , they seemed to enjoy themselves…I did too, it was great to see A and catch up with her and her precious kiddos.


1 comment:

  1. S- I had such a great time and look forward to many more of these conversations between the boys in years to come .
