Saturday, March 13, 2010

B’s Breakfast

It is hard to believe that our precious little B will turn one this week!

In effort to kick off the big week of celebration, C & I thought it would be appropriate for B to try a doughnut for the first time with us at the bakery this morning.  We changed our typical order to include one more doughnut (C was thrilled, knowing that he would get to eat whatever B didn’t finish).…


We got B all situated at our usual table… B watched C break the doughnut into little pieces….


Wait for it…wait for it…(B was less than impressed initially…in fact he was quite hesitant)


Not quite sure….


Ready set…






He liked it!


He told us all about it…”ba ba ba da ma ba….”


And then was polite enough to wipe his face when he was all done…(not quite, but a mom can hope!)

B won’t have the “luxury” of eating doughnuts every morning for breakfast, but everything is okay in moderation…right?!?

C and I have talked about the day when B will be able to enjoy the bakery’s doughnuts just like we do…it is so hard to believe that the day has finally arrived!  Before we know it, B will be walking into the bakery on his own, and ordering his favorite kind of breakfast treat with his own sweet voice. Wow! Time is really flying by!

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