Friday, March 5, 2010

Little Wheels Turning…

Our refrigerator is fixed!

The repairman spent the afternoon working to fix our sad and pitiful appliance and while he worked, B and I played. I had/have about a million things that I wanted to get accomplished around the house this afternoon, but decided that playing with B needed to be priority.  Really B helped me make this decision, he was pretty whinny when he got home from a school yet not quite ready for a nap, it was almost as if through his whines he was saying “Mommy, please just play with me, don’t just put me in front of my toys!”…and I gave in.

I will probably regret this decision in the short term and be more overwhelmed with the endless to-do list later this weekend, but know that in the grand scheme of things, I will be glad that I chose playing over housework.

Recently, a friend cleaned out her kids’ play room and asked if B might be interested in any of their old toys, specifically a little play house and small slide.  I told my friend that we would be ELATED to have new things to play with, then picked the toys up and B has been busy exploring ever since!

Today as we  played, I found myself wondering just how fast the little wheels in his head must be turning? It was as if the concept of cause and effect “clicked” in B’s little brain as he played with his new toys this afternoon.

B would crawl over to the slide with a ball in his hand, stand up against the slide, place the ball on the slide, let go of the ball and watch it roll down the slide, onto the floor and through the door of his little play house…over and over and over again! After a bit he would crawl through the door of the house to try to retrieve a ball, of course get distracted by the house, play with it and then crawl back…

Oh, to be a kid again!

Here’s the play-by-play…


Crawl to the slide with a ball…stand up…

Ready, Set…ROLL……!


Go and find the ball…


Get a little distracted…


Resume the search…







Take a break to look out the window at the beautiful afternoon outside…(with the ball in hand).

I have to say, much better than house work…and way more rewarding!

Thank You Lord for developing B’s little mind, please continue to bless those little wheels as they turn. Amen.

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