Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Sweet Nuggets

C’s Grandy dubbed his grandchildren as “Nuggets”…I find the term quite endearing as it has officially made its way into C’s and my vocabulary.

These are my two  favorite little nuggets…one about to have a bath and one just finished with a bath. I can’t help but notice how much this pair is starting to look alike.


I wish I had more photos to share…the camera charger hasn’t surfaced from the mountains of boxes yet and my camera is long past dead. I snuck this photo off my mom’s camera and hope to sneak more as the task of unpacking is far from over!

The lack of camera battery hasn’t kept our spirits down as last Thursday we finally became home owners again!

God’s providence and provision  has been incredible throughout our entire transition…C and I are humbled beyond words.  I hope to one day (once all the boxes are unpacked) sit down and journal about everything that has transpired in our decision to move north…starting with C’s interview and then reflecting on the decision itself, packing, saying goodbye, the actual move, the house search, unpacking, finding a new school for B, meeting new neighbors etc. etc.

Until then, I will humbly chew on the myriad of thoughts running through my head associated with the move and unpack the seemingly endless number of boxes accumulated around our new home.

It feels so good to be together in our new home, making new memories and living life together as a family of four.  It is fun to imagine all the ways we will work to make our new neck of the wood special and unique while trying to remember that this isn’t our permanent home…only Heaven is. (Perspective is hard to maintain when moving into a new house…our home improvement wish list seems to grow by the day).

I will try to get the charger located as soon as possible to share more photos of the nuggets and the new place we call home.

Happy Wednesday.

Be blessed.

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