Friday, April 6, 2012

Long Adventure

We just got back from quite a trip…a road trip of sorts that included lots of driving, lots of family and lots of friends!  I have downloaded some of our photos and as always wished that I had snapped more…here is a glimpse.

Our adventure/trip included visiting all the states between Our Neck of the Wood and Texas as we opted to drive down to a dear friend’s wedding. Our reasoning for packing up the family car…the cost of flying and the lack of space that overhead bins provide for all the necessary stuff that a family with little ones comes with.

Both kiddos were champs as we drove…I’ll be honest the invention of portable dvd players is nothing short of magnificent!  I think that as of now, we have visited most of the gas stations/rest stops along good old I-35!


My dad graciously towed his car behind ours and drove to the half way point with us…it was great to have his help and company as potty stops aren’t what they used to be!  I never would have guessed that I would be the mom who would pull out a potty chair on the road…I pulled out all the stops (mostly my pride) as I was bound and determined to not loose any momentum we have made on our potty training journey (B enjoyed watching trucks and other machinery pass by as he sat on his little chair throughout our travels).


At the half way point, we enjoyed visiting with family…I wish I had snapped more photos as B and A got to visit with their cousin who is about to turn 2!  Uncle B found some of his old trucks for B to play with…B couldn’t have been more impressed with how life-like the trucks were as they truly don’t make them the way they used to!


After saying our goodbyes…we headed south by way of the airport to pick up Gigi.  Gigi graciously flew up from Texas to help us with the second half of our drive…again, it was a treat to have a second pair of hands and nice to have company older than the age of three.

Upon arriving in Texas…two full days after leaving Our Neck of the Wood…we enjoyed catching up and visiting with family and friends.

One afternoon we headed to Mimi’s house for a visit, Auntie B surprised everyone by making her way to the ‘party’. Little A enjoyed catching up on sugar while B enjoyed teaching Mimi  and Auntie B all about tractors and trucks.


Later the great grands enjoyed an early Easter egg hunt outside…


And B capped his time at Mimi’s off by helping Papa fill up Mimi’s bird feeder.


Another day we headed to work with Gigi.  B enjoyed riding the elevator all the way up to her office…he was quite fascinated by the view outside the windows way up high in her building…more so than being introduced to all of her ‘work friends’ as he told everyone he was ‘too shy’ to talk.


After visiting Gigi’s ‘work friends’, we enjoyed lunch at one of our favorite spots…I enjoyed getting my fill of the famed spice tea and chicken salad while these nuggets enjoyed catching up with Gigi and Auntie B.


After lunch, we all caught a glimpse of some downtown construction taking place…B was more interested in the workers than in snapping a photo…


After saying our goodbyes…we headed west to catch up with Cowtown friends for a few days. B was thrilled when he discovered we were going to get to stay at his friend HM’s house.  The two seemed to pick up right where they left off.

HM’s daddy was kind to load these two friends up for a bike ride to the “Hundred Acre Wood” where they got to play to their little hearts content. It was a treat to catch up with HM’s mommy while the two were off on their bike adventure.


Another day we visited my former school…I wish I had snapped more photos of friends from school as we talk about and miss these friends a lot.  It was so special catch up with my dear friends and a treat to let them see B & A.  B enjoyed playing in Mrs. P’s classroom…he tested out her sensory table, puzzles and car set…in his mind he is all ready for kindergarten…it was all pretty surreal for this momma’s heart.


After saying goodbye to school friends, we enjoyed lazy backyard time at HM’s house…these two were head over heals for the chance to play in water and get wet…it gave all of us quite a taste of spring fever.


Another day, we enjoyed a come and go picnic play date at the park with several of our Cowtown friends.  It was such a treat to see kiddos in their element…growing up and articulating themselves more than we had remembered. Little personalities are blossoming and it was a gift to gain a glimpse.  I enjoyed time catching up with my friends too…well as much as you can when you have one eye on one kiddo and another eye on the other Smile.


After the park B and A enjoyed long long long afternoon naps…(I enjoyed the break as well)…then we headed over to a favorite TCU spot to enjoy dinner with our dear friends Ms. J & M.  M did a fantastic job captivating B’s attention allowing our dinner and catch up time to be more than 2 hours long! 


I wish I had snapped photos of other meals and times we enjoyed catching up with friends…the few days spent in Cowtown were such a blessing to my heart as God blessed us with such phenomenal friendships there.

About midweek, we headed back towards Gigi and Papa’s house where C joined us for a long weekend. Upon arriving, C enjoyed playing golf with his dad before B’s second birthday celebration took place.  B loved being dotted over as he sang the Happy Birthday song with us and practically dove into his cake and birthday gifts.


Little A enjoyed getting even more sugar from doting family!


One of B’s birthday gifts was a t-ball tee and whiffle balls…he was quick to suggest going outside to play upon opening his gift. The verdict is out as to who enjoyed the gift more as it seemed to take C back a few years!!!  B loved hitting the ball and running the bases…he has quite a crowd watching him as even the neighbors stopped by to see what all the excitement was about.



After spending a few days east of Cowtown, we headed back west to provide C with a little chance to catch up with friends. Our brief time was filled to the brim…quite literally.

While C connected with friends, B, A, ‘Auntie M’ and I enjoyed a miniature train ride for old times sake. M came up for the wedding we were attending later than night. It was so nice to be able to catch up as we haven’t seem each other in more than a year.


After the train ride, we enjoyed lunch at one of my very favorite places…the chicken salad sandwiches and flavored tea tasted just as delicious as I had remembered…it was special to get to have lunch at this spot with M as we frequented it together often in college…I will admit, pretty surreal to be sipping tea with two little ones in tow!



Later we hustled to get ready for our dear college friend’s wedding. M commented on how much life has changed since getting ready for college dances/weddings together as we were getting ready amidst kiddo items like pack and plays, diaper bags etc. etc.

Our friend S’s wedding was beautiful…totally Texas and totally S. The wedding was hosted on a ranch west of Cowtown, the drive out was beautiful as the bluebonnets were in bloom. The ceremony was outside over looking some green pasture (complete with horses) and the reception was inside a beautiful barn complete with twinkle lights and a Texas swing band.


C and I were honored by the opportunity to both read during the ceremony. S holds a special place in our hearts as she was individually friends with both of us in college and set the ball in motion for our first date!


I wish I had snapped more photos at the wedding, especially of the bride and groom…unfortunately the evening got away from me…but we did snap a photo of some sweet and familiar faces from TCU.


Our last day in Cowtown was filled to the brim. We enjoyed attending our former church, seeing familiar faces hugging friends’ necks and seeing little ones who we hadn’t gotten a chance to catch up with earlier in the week. After church, the kiddos headed to Gigi and Papas which allowed us to savor just a little more time with friends.

Later that afternoon, we thought it quite appropriate to have queso with lunch from a local staple and then enjoyed a LONG patio dinner like old times…a phenomenal bookend to our whirl-wind weekend.

After saying goodbye to C…B, A and I enjoyed one last day in Texas before heading north. We met our cousin, J and her kiddos E & D for lunch and turtle watching at a local mall.



B & E enjoyed playing together…so much that E joined our two little ones in the stroller as we strolled back towards the car….I am sure I got looks as I pushed three tired kiddos together in the stroller


After saying our goodbyes, we packed up the car (dubbed ‘Mommy’s Apartment’) and headed north to our half way point again.  Gigi was gracious to ride with us again, she helped us spot different trucks and diggers along the sides of the road and helped greatly with potty breaks).  After making it half way, we dropped Gigi off at the airport, hugged her neck, said our goodbyes and headed to Uncle B & Aunt L’s house to spend the night.

Little A enjoyed getting loved by Aunt L, while B got to work with Uncle B’s trucks again.


Our plan was to make a detour west to visit my dear friend and college roommate, K, who just had her first baby. Plans changed when little A woke up sick on our day of traveling. In effort to keep K’s baby well…we pack up and headed north where my dad met us midway through our trek up help with our home stretch. My heart was broken over not getting to complete our trip as planned…but God allowed us to arrive back to Our Neck of the Wood safe and sound…with many stories to tell about life on the road and friends and family down south.

B helped hook the trailer up to our car…before heading back to Our Neck of the Wood…


I am sure more photos will follow…but there’s a glimpse of our busy road trip!

Be blessed.

May all of our family and friends be blessed who helped us enjoy such a special trip!


  1. I hope you feel a huge smile coming your way from me! I think it says quite a bit about you that you were willing and excited to take your sweet kiddos ( potty and all!) on an adventure. You did it! And took some great pictures, visited dear friends and family, and made memories along the way. We so enjoyed spending time with all of you.

  2. It was so good to get to visit with you!
