Monday, January 23, 2012

Utility Sink = Kitchen Sink

Due to a very unfortunate and unforeseen ‘issue’ with our kitchen counters…we don’t have have a working kitchen sink or cook top!

This means that our utility/laundry sink has been put to good use lately!

Let me paint a picture of meal times around our neck of the wood…

1. I conjecture up any meal that doesn’t require a cook top and has minimal mess implications

2. I serve the meal using as few dishes, utensils, etc. as possible

3. At the end of our meal, we bus our dishes to either the garbage can or a bucket next to the sink

4. I carry the dirty dishes downstairs to the utility room (the heater on the washer and dryer is there for added warmth…the room is ‘quite chilly otherwise)

5. I hand wash the dishes

6. Lay clean dishes on top of the washing machine

7. Dry the dishes and carry them back upstairs to put away

8. Repeat this process each time a meal comes around





The utility sink is proving to be multi-functional as it has tripled as a bathtub for our littlest nugget as well!

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This entire ‘ordeal’ has left me so grateful for modern day conveniences like kitchen sinks, running water and dishwashers…we take so much for granted!

I hope we are able to find the humor in this a few weeks from now, as we don’t foresee the ‘issue’ being fixed anytime soon.

Be blessed.

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