Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Better Late than Never…

I try to use our blog as a family journal of sorts…I have the best of intentions of one day ‘publishing’ it for our kiddos since I'm not a scrap booker and can only hope that will come to fruition.

With that said, I have been working on crafting our Christmas post and  realized that we hadn’t posted about Thanksgiving…so despite the date, I thought I’d share, I regret not taking more photos but trust we will remember the highpoints!

We enjoyed celebrating Thanksgiving week in Texas. We started the week by visiting our beloved Cowtown for a whirl-wind weekend.

Friends graciously joined us for breakfast at our favorite bakery.  We also enjoyed our fill of REAL Tex-mex and Central Market food (both of which are non-existant up in the northland) and relished in the opportunity to attend our former church and see familiar faces.

Our time after Fort Worth was dedicated to some much needed ‘family time’. B and A seemed to captivate their Gigi, Papa and Auntie B with their latest ‘to-do’s’ and C and I enjoyed hearing about how they had changed and grown. We were also able to enjoy an extended family dinner with great grands, aunts and uncles which proved to be quite sweet.

Midweek, little A and I snuck home to celebrate my mom’s birthday. C and B remained in Texas where a stomach bug tried to ruin everyone’s(everyone except for Grandpa J & Papa) fun!  With the help of saltine crackers, Gaterade, Clorox wipes and lots of patience, everyone proved resilient (even our little guy who hadn’t ever been sick before) and was able to make the most out of the remainder of the week. 

The entire stomach bug situation provided a good reminder that plans sometimes change, but all that truly matters is having the opportunity of being together.

The the bookend to the week was a trip to the lake where C’s grandfather rented a house for everyone to enjoy. The kiddos enjoyed playing around the house, the guys golfed and I have been told that the girls shoppedSmile.

Here are a couple photos from our week…

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The group at the lake…


We have so much to be thankful for and our time away was a nice little break from ‘typical’ life in our neck of the wood.

Gigi & Papa, thank you for a sweet trip!

Be blessed.

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