Monday, October 17, 2011

Apple of a Day (minus the apples)

This weekend C had the opportunity to cheer his sister on as she COMPLETED her first marathon in San Francisco.  We missed having him home, but are so glad that he got to be a part of B’s big day…and even run some of the race with her…Auntie B…we are so proud of you!

While C was away, Little A, B and I hunkered down and enjoyed a quiet weekend together in our neck of the wood…as traveling to California for a short weekend with kiddos didn’t sound like setting anyone up for success:).

On Sunday afternoon, we enjoyed another impromptu outing with Gam and Gampa…this time we headed to the Apple Orchard!

A friend had suggested this orchard, not because of the apples but because of the tractors and hayrides…which seemed to be right down B’s ally…which it was!

B’s interest continues to evolve, first it was trains, then diggers and now anything and everything tractor/trailers!

He enjoyed ‘driving’ this big twactor…


(We thought it would be fun to start the tradition of taking a photo of B next to the tractor to track his growth.)


‘Driving’ the tractor was fun, but nothing compared to riding the trailers pulled by real tractors!

We enjoyed hayrides from three of the orchard’s tractors… ‘Minneapolis Moline’, ‘Oliver’ and ‘Ford’.


The tractors circled the orchard, at one point we got off to explore the barn/gift shop.  The barn seemed to be out of a movie as these two played ‘country’ music amongst all the pumpkins, falling leaves and crisp cool air…I could have just pushed ‘pause’ as we walked around, it brought me back to apple picking as a little girl.


Inside the shop,  we were introduced to Tractor Mac.  B’s Gam and Gampa graciously bought B his very first Tractor Mac book along with a small Mac toy tractor...B proceeded to clutch the toy tractor in the palm of his hand as he rode behind the real thing…wide eyed and perfectly content!



It was hard to get B to smile for a photo…as he was so intent on watching the other tractors pull trailers filled with hay and other passengers.


Little A didn’t seem as distracted and was willing to pose…all I can say, is I could eat this little nugget up…the bow and all!



Later, B tried riding the orchard’s ‘train’…


The entire trip was nothing short of delightful, though we didn’t pick or purchase any apples. We have added it to our ‘tradition’ list as we look forward to going back next fall…even if the tractor phase has passed, it will still be a fun family outing!

Happy Fall.

Be blessed.

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