Monday, April 25, 2011

A’s First Week…

We are continuing to bask in awe as we think about God’s goodness to our little family this past week.

A’s delivery couldn’t have been more different than B’s, it wasn’t the middle of the night and we sort of knew what to anticipate.

God’s grace was evident throughout A’s entire delivery. He provided us with an incredible delivery nurse who hummed praise and worship songs and allowed my epidural to be administered early on.

C and I were able to have some sweet time with our two littlest ones before the rest of our family met A. B's initial reaction to A was priceless, he was a little tentative…but then saw the buttons on the hospital bed and became quite comfortable.


Later, our family, who was able to be in town, came to meet A.


C’s cousin brought us some special treats to enjoy in the hospital from our favorite bakery. She brought treats with an A monogram on them. She said when she ordered the little cakes they said they couldn’t have them ready in time for us to enjoy during our hospital stay…when C’s cousin mentioned who they were for, the woman at the bakery remembered our little family and worked to “pull some strings” to get them done…this story made our day…

And B enjoyed the sweet treats!


We can’t get over how much A looks like B did as a new born. After A was born, I couldn’t take my eyes off of her.


We tried to keep B’s “status quo” as typical as possible while we were in the hospital…though I missed seeing our little guy, he enjoyed some fun outings with his Gigi and Papa.  He also enjoyed going to school for his class Easter Egg hunt while we were admitted.  B was kind enough to bring us breakfast in the hospital before heading to school for his big hunt…his breakfast was much better than the meal the hospital provided…plus it provided him with the chance to see his little sister and even hold and kiss her!


We were given this TCU hat when B was born.

This is B wearing the hat…


This is little A wearing the hat…


Our little family…finally together at home!


We have enjoyed the company of family and friends and felt so celebrated now that we are home.

Some friends blessed us with dinner the night we got home from the hospital. They have a baby about six weeks older than A, it was amazing to be reminded of how quickly she will grow.

Later in the week, C’s sister was able to make a quick trip to meet our little one…


And so did my dad and youngest brother…



Even “Auntie M” and C made a surprise trip to Cowtown!


It has been nice to settle into our new “norm” at home…

A seems to love the swing…we couldn’t be more thrilled as B didn’t really take to it. B likes to stand next to the swing and simply watch A sleep…don’t be fooled, we are working to teach him that he doesn’t need to help A swing…he just needs to watch he


All swaddled like a little burrito…like B, it is amazing how she wiggles her little arms up out of the swaddle.


A’s first walk…


B the big brother! Though we may still be in a “honeymoon” phase, B loves his little sister.  He points to her hands, feet, head…and loves to try to give kisses.


We made our first outing as a foursome to the bakery on Saturday morning. I was thrilled to be able to enjoy caffeinated  coffee with my cinnamon roll again! 


This is just a small glimpse of our family’s big week…we continue to be so grateful to have A here…and thankful for all of our family and friends who have and continue to bless us throughout this transition.

Happy Monday.

Be blessed.


  1. How cute that she has dark hair (at least for now). So different from her blonde headed big brother! She is a beautiful baby girl and we can't wait to meet her! Love you all!

  2. Congrats to you and your sweet family!! Beth sent me a picture of her when she was born. Adorable! So happy for you guys. Glad everything went as smooth as can be and that everyone is healthy. Praise God!

  3. yay! congrats! Email me the full name so I can try to make a little gift!

  4. Yeah! She's so precious. :) So glad the delivery went well. We'll continue to offer our prayers even though we can't offer our presence. Give her a kiss from E and O. Congrats Mom of two!
