Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Heavy Machinery Lessons


B never ceases to amaze me/us. 

His little brain is like a sponge…it soaks up almost everything he comes in contact with…remembers it and than places in context later on down the road (well most everything Smile). 

I am often floored as we travel down the road on our myriad trips around town. as he sputters out names and definitions of the different heavy machinery we pass by.

That being said, B is often correcting C and I as to which construction vehicles are what. Calling a piece of machinery a ‘digger’ just isn’t sufficient any longer…as now our little man and his book collection have taught us specific names such as Front End Loader, Cherry Picker, Bulldozer, Paver, Woodchipper etc.

That being said, this book is one of our favorites…and I felt compelled to share it as I feel like it has made me one of the most ‘informed’ three year old momma’s on the block.

The Construction Alphabet Book

photo taken from

Oh the joys of meeting them where they’re at, as I never would have imagined that heavy machinery might make my heart smile!

Happy reading!

Be blessed.

Thank you G for sharing this book with us!

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