Friday, November 11, 2011

Beautiful Noise

As I rewind back to November 11, 2006, when I got to marry my very best friend,  I remember thinking that 2011 seemed that seemed so far away…


…Fast forward to today and I feel like it was just a blink of an eye when it felt like time stood still (at least for an evening) to celebrate our wedding surrounded by family and friends.

This photo was snapped after our wedding ceremony when all the guests had left to enjoy the reception celebration.  The photo captures a brief moment where we were simply just the two of us together in the quiet of a BEAUTIFUL Texas November evening…before the hustle and bustle of our life together officially began.

There are moments when my heart craves this simple quiet when I didn’t hardly have a care in the world…yet I am humbly reminded that the lack of quiet/ hustle and bustle are evidence of God’s gracious gifts in our little family’s life. 

When this photo was snapped, neither C or I could have comprehended the ‘noise’ that would graciously interrupt our ‘quiet’ life together (especially this past year’s noise).  The noise of sweet family, friends and of course our precious B and little A.  The noise of life’s joys and the noise of life’s obstacles and challenges. The noise of laughter and the noise of tears.

On 11.11.06 we couldn’t have comprehended how God, in His goodness, would weave our two lives together and take us on a ‘loud’ journey far beyond either of our expectations…we still can’t fully comprehend God’s goodness but appreciate little glimpses as we celebrate five years of our little family’s life.

We look forward to quiet moments when we can enjoy simply being together and reflect on the noise…and bask in the more consistent noisy moments where we get to enjoy God’s various blessings in our life.

I love you C… ‘You’re the best!’…thank you for walking alongside and listening to all the sweet ‘noise’ with me.

happy anniversary.



Be blessed.

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