Wednesday, October 27, 2010

La Luuu

I think I may have experienced one of my own greatest momma warm fuzzies today...

Let me try to paint a picture, though it won't due the moment justice...

This morning, I lifted B down from the changing table after changing his diaper and leaned over him to sort of pull up/adjust his little shorts.  When I was all finished I said "There you go B, I love you!" and then he repeated "LA LUUUU"!!!!!!!! 

I know that he was probably simply mimicking the sounds he heard, but what I heard in my heart was my precious little boy say "I love you"!!!! 

Hearing these two syllables was truly one of the most rewarding feelings in the whole world.  It really was as if he had said "Mom, I really love you and appreciate all the things you do for me!"

I don't know if I will ever forget this simple little moment, when I was doing what felt like such a mundane task...this may possibly help me be more joyful as I change his diaper each morning!

Happy Wednesday!

Be blessed.

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