Last Saturday...C and B woke me up at 7:00am asking if I was ready to head to breakfast so we could get to ESPN game day up at TCU. The night before, C had convinced me, the sports novice that I am, that I would really regret not going and actually have a good time...needless to say, I decided to go.
We donned some TCU gear and headed to our favorite bakery for breakfast like any typical Saturday morning...even the bakery had gone purple!
We enjoyed breakfast and headed over to TCU to "experience" Game Day with some friends...
We headed home from Game Day so B could take a nap..all in effort to get ready for the big game. While B was sleeping, I went to run some errands...while gone, I stumbled upon a shark halloween costume on clearance for $2.50. Knowing that B had almost outgrown his TCU shirt...I bought the inexpensive costume and spent the afternoon converting it into a miniature "Super Frog" costume. Since the weather has finally cooled down, B was able to wear his little costume the entire game...I admit, if you know the costume started as a may think it still looks like one, but if you squint one eye, jump up and down on one foot and hold your looks a little similar to a Horned Frog...
Some friends were gracious and shared their tickets to the game with us...their seats were fantastic...close enough that B was able to watch the action on the field...B enjoyed the first quarter and then took a little nap before half time on Jennifer's lap...
He slept through the fireworks that lit up the sky after each touchdown...
After a quick nap...B woke up, somewhat delusional and cheered the Frogs on to win the game...he even put his "Frogs up!"

Most reasonable parents probably took their kids home around half time...but since C is B's dad...B was in it to win it. After the game was over, we said good bye to our friends and C looked at me and said that he wanted to go down onto the field...
From the minute that our feet stepped onto the field, C made it his mission to get a photo of B with Jerry Hughes...
A couple minutes later...all three of us were on the field...B was a trooper considering this was about 3 hours past his typical bedtime...
Well, we can now say that while most 8 month olds were at home...tucked into their comfortable, warm and quite beds...our son was being held on the football field with Jeffy Hughes! B wasn't real enamored by the whole ordeal...I think he got a little scared by Jerry's football helmet...but, B can now someday say that the season that the Horned Frogs were ranked fourth in the nation...he went to Game Day, dressed up as Super Frog, stayed for the entire game, rushed the field and got a photo with Jerry Hughes holding him...a future Horned Frog in the making...I guess that only time will tell!